Monday, October 29, 2007

ANALYSIS: IDF's tactical upper hand over Hamas is shrinking

"The casualties Israel has suffered during offensive operations in the Gaza Strip- three dead in the past three months - hint at a troubling trend: The Israel Defense Forces' tactical advantage over Hamas in Gaza is shrinking......

But Hamas has not taken these IDF efforts lying down. In order to reduce the freedom of operation of IDF units, Hamas sets up ambushes when they enter the Gaza Strip and also when they leave it.....

But in recent months, the efforts by Iran and Hezbollah to improve Hamas's military capabilities are beginning to be felt. It is not only better weaponry, but also careful study of the lessons of the Second Lebanon War. Dozens of militants trained in Iran and Lebanon have managed to enter the strip and have subsequently created a system of control and coordination. There is a chain of command for every area, which operates a coordinated network of observation posts, infantry and antitank forces......

On Monday, Major Ehud Efrati was killed and a Golani soldier was seriously injured......"

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