Monday, October 29, 2007

The Annapolis Conference

By joining Israel and the US in starving a constituency that he is negotiating on their behalf, Abbas is losing legitimacy as a leader and is weakened as a negotiator.

By Dr. Hasan Afif El-Hasan
Special to

"Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert described Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas recently with affection and admiration as one of the Palestinian leaders who “recognize Israel as a Jewish state”. This loaded statement qualifies Abbas as the best enemy Israel can have. An Israeli cabinet member even asked one of the Arab states that do not recognize Israel, not to be more Palestinian than the Palestinians [Abbas].

Then why is it necessary to hold a conference so that Abbas and Olmert can negotiate? They are good friends and neighbors and they get together every other week. The answer is simple and very troubling at the same time. It is because Abbas is not taken seriously by Israel to negotiate on behalf of people whom he supports starving to death. Only authentic leaders who stand up for every citizen of their constituency earn the respect of their enemies and are taken seriously......"

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