Monday, October 22, 2007

Egyptian paper: Dahalan conspires to overthrow Abbas, take control of Fatah

"CAIRO, (PIC)-- The Cairo-based Al-Mesreyyoon (the Egyptians) newspaper has unveiled serious information received by the Egyptian leadership revealing that Fatah MP Mohammed Dahalan was instigating Fatah leaders in the West Bank to oust PA chief and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Dahalan is believed to be the leader and financier of the mutiny trend within Fatah Movement that sabotaged stability and security in the PA-controlled lands, particularly in Gaza Strip, before fighters of Hamas Movement defeated them and forced leaders of that trend to flee Gaza last June.

The paper added that Egyptian officials were planning to visit the West Bank at the backdrop of reports pointing to a deep rift between Abbas on the one hand, and Dahalan and the installed PA premier Salam Fayyad on the other hand.

According to the paper, Abbas rejected a US request to appoint Dahalan as his deputy, spurring the mutiny trend leader to criticize the "way Abbas was handling political matters in the Palestinian arena".

The Egyptian leadership was apparently keen to contain that Abbas-Dahalan rift before it goes deeper and complicates political and security matters in the West Bank further.

Yet, Abbas's political disputes weren’t obviously limited to Dahalan amidst reports that the man was also at odds with Fayyad, whom he installed as PA premier without following the constitutional process, prompting US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice to meet them separately during her latest visit to the PA territories.

Local observes attributed the Abbas-Fayyad rift to the fact that Fayyad was convinced with the US vision on the desired political settlement in the region, and that he was showing more leniency during negotiations with the Israelis than Abbas, who, the observers opined, asked the US administration for a "political price" before he could head to Washington and participate in the upcoming autumn conference."

Also see this from almesryoon:

بعد رفضه طلب واشنطن تعيينه نائبًا له.. مصر تتدخل لإخماد فتيل أزمة عباس- دحلان للحيلولة دون تفاقم الأوضاع بالأراضي الفلسطينية

" علمت "المصريون" أن مسئولين مصريين سيتجهون إلى الأراضي الفلسطينية خلال الساعات القادمة بهد احتواء أزمة نشبت بين محمود عباس رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية ومحمد دحلان مستشاره السابق للأمن القومي والقيادي البارز بحركة "فتح.

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