Monday, October 29, 2007

Grand-Children of the Holocaust turning Gaza into another Warsaw Ghetto

Comment by Khalid Amayreh in Occupied East Jerusalem

"......Israel, which has been lying to the international community by claiming that it no longer occupies Gaza, has effectively turned that most densely populated spot on earth into a huge detention camp, very much like the Ghetto Warsaw.

In this huge open-air prison, 1.4 million Palestinians are confined to 300 square kilometers, with very little food, little water, rampant unemployment, and a huge reservoir of despair, indignation and poverty.

And at the top of all of this, the Israeli army, with its state-of-the-art technology of death, continues to murder and maim Palestinians, including civilians, on a daily basis.

More to the point, Israel doesn’t allow Gazans to travel abroad for work or medical care, causing numerous Gazans to succumb to their illnesses.....

Israel’s callousness and criminality are also manifested in preventing Palestinians who had left Gaza from returning home.

There are really no objective justifications for this hateful policy toward a people thoroughly tormented by 40 years of a Nazi-like occupation.

Israeli leaders and apologetics routinely invoke the issue of terror. However, one is always prompted to ask what terror and what criminality is greater than keeping an entire people in a state of indescribable oppression for all these years?

Besides, what would any people on the face of earth do when faced with these hellish conditions?.....

The Israeli posture is very telling and needs no further explanation. Israel, like any other fascist-minded state is not after peace or coexistence with the Palestinian people, its enduring victims.

Instead, Israel simply wants to kill Palestinians, starve and torment them until they surrender to Zionist designs of ethnic cleansing, lebensraum and territorial aggrandizement.....

Today the survival of the Palestinian people is the ultimate litmus test of human conscience everywhere because if Palestinians were to be let down by a world that is increasingly overwhelmed by spin and lies and ferocious capitalism, then this would be an absolute indicator that the world is on a sure course of moral demise and self-destruction.....

This is why all honest people on earth, people who will not cower before brute force, people who are willing to call the spade a spade, are called upon to rise up and take to the streets in order to send an unmistakable message to the Nazis of our time in Tel Aviv, who are now committing a slow-motion genocide in Gaza.

Don’t say “we didn’t know.”"

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