Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Latest From Dr. Mona El-Farra in Gaza

"Hello friends,

Thanks a lot for encourging me to write again , i am realy sorry ,that i let u down by not writing regularly , i have not written since 10th of september 2007. Thanks for your encourging comments.

During Ramadan month (fasting month of moslems of Palestine )i was very busy coordinating relief fund , i managed as head of local committee ,to distribute money vouchers for 1000 families ,in diffrent prts of Gaza strip , i have wonderful collegues who help me to reach those families ,as a team i think we have succeeded , to reach the most poor and needy , in less than a week all the work was done , but the people needs are larger than our capacity , so our work complement other orgs and groups who works in this field .

It is realy sad to tell you that poverty level has increased in Gaza to unprecented levels ,with the embargo and economical siege , food staples prices have increased , this is the talk of people at the moment ,beside that Israel announced its implementation of the more strict siege and cut off basic supplies and fuel ; medications and medical supplies are big problem, many essential medications are lacking in the pharmacies , detergents too , patients who need to be referred for treatment abroad are denied permit to leave the country.

According to international law we are occupied by Israel , and this puts responsibility on Israel to Guarantee the supplies for the civilians of Gaza , but what Israel is doing is COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT which again is big crime according to international law .THE WORLD IS SILENT I KNOW WE ALL FEEL THAT IN GAZA, we try to survive to help each other to continue living and not to collapse. The burden is big and the responsibility for us , who work in huminatarian field is large , we should not give up ,we canot afford to give up .

A national committee to break the siege has been formulated in Gaza , i am member of that committee , it includes many civil society organisations and some active public figures, we r working hard to let the world hear our vioces , with the help of great networking of groups and organisations world wide , people who believe in our rights and who work in serious way to tell the whole world ,that what is happening in Palestine at the moment , has gone too far in human rights violation

i told u about the siege and the embargo and economical sanctions ,but i need to remind u all that Israeli military operations are continuous

i love u all
and again thanks for encourging me to write , it makes me feel that i am human , it makes me feel i am alive and in real contact with the real world

From Gaza with love
Mona ElFarra"

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