Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lieberman sets party 'red lines' ahead of summit

"As Israel prepares to stake out its negotiating position opposite the Palestinians as part of the upcoming Annapolis peace summit, Minister of Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beiteinu) is due to present a list of demands, or "red lines", to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday detailing his party's conditions for remaining in the government.

Lieberman, who one week ago declared that his faction would quit Olmert's coalition should the two sides negotiate over the "core issues" of the conflict, will propose the deployment of NATO forces in the Palestinian territories in the event the Palestinian Authority's security appratus are unable to snuff out terrorism......

On the issue of refugees, Israel will not recognize the Palestinian "right of return" nor will it grant a symbolic repatriation of a limited number of refugees, Lieberman's document states.

The document, which was formulated jointly by Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu MK Israel Hasson, states that the final status agreement with the Palestinians must be based on a territorial exchange and mutual recognition of the need for two separate nation-states, according to Army Radio.

As such, Lieberman demands that any future deal signed with the Palestinians would include sole Israeli sovereignty over the holy sites in Jerusalem, Army Radio reported.

"As long as there are no negotiations on the core issues, there's no problem with staying in the government," Lieberman told Army Radio......"

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