Monday, October 15, 2007

Planting seeds of independence

Rami Almeghari writing from Gaza , The Electronic Intifada, Oct 15, 2007

".....We have just initiated our small project with an intent to help these simple rural women sustain amidst their families' harsh economic conditions," says Yassmin Moor, a young Palestinian-American woman who manages a domestic gardening project in the Gaza Strip city of Rafah.

The project, which has been a part of the US-based Save Gaza program, is intended to empower poor women in the rural and remote areas of the Gaza Strip.

In the furthest eastern location of Rafah city, an area called Kherbet al-Adas, a local public service facility for rural development has been designated for the training of 20 Palestinian women representing 20 different families.

Chickens and small plants are some of the items provided by Save Gaza for the participants with the hope that the women can create their own domestic gardens and become independent of "Israeli-controlled products and goods."

"Now ... hopefully with these gardens the women can have some of their own vegetables, but also can trade with their neighbors, so we are also building community relations and mobilizing them to move towards sovereignty and sustainability and not have to rely on Israel for anything," says Yassmin....."

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