Tuesday, October 30, 2007

PPC (The Palestinian prisoners' club) to launch international campaign to prosecute Israeli officials

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- The Palestinian prisoners' club has announced that it intends to launch an international campaign aimed at prosecuting Israeli officials accused of committing "war crimes" against Palestinian prisoners.

This announcement came after the club held an emergency meeting to discuss the successive developments in Israeli prisons, especially the last Israeli aggressions against Palestinian prisoners in the Negev prison which resulted in the death of prisoner Mohamed Al-Ashqar and injury of 30 others.

The club announced that it is ready to receive any information confirmed with a sworn testimony on assaults against Palestinian prisoners as well as testimonies and letters from the assaulted prisoners themselves about any assaults attached with dates, names of jails and prison officials in order to prepare prosecution files meeting legal requirements.

The club added that law-oriented organizations and international jurists will assume responsibility for filing lawsuits with special courts in the world......"

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