Sunday, October 21, 2007

Report: Lebanese Druze leader to seek Barak's help in toppling Syria gov't

"Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt will seek Defense Minister Ehud Barak's help in toppling the Syrian government, the Syrian-based Web site "Sham Press" reported Sunday.

According to the report, Jumblatt will ask Barak to use his influence in Washington to work toward bringing down the Damascus regime during a meeting expected to take place in the United States.

The report also said that Barak and Jumblatt, who are currently visiting the U.S., will hold talks with the aid of an American of Lebanese origin, and with support from Vice President Dick Cheney.

In the past, Jumblatt was harshly criticized in Lebanon for his meetings with senior Israeli officials while traveling abroad. Lebanese law forbids meetings with Israelis.

Barak left last week for an official visit to the U.S. On Friday, he left Washington D.C. for New York, where he met with UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon. This marks Barak's first U.S. trip since taking office four months ago.

Barak met with senior congressional officials and discussed security issues in the Middle East, primarily the Iranian nuclear threat and the current tensions between Israel and Syria......."

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