Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Syrian Story Keeps Changing: Assad: We have our means and ways to retaliate


"02/10/2007 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad confirmed for the first time Monday that Israeli warplanes attacked a target inside his country last month and didn't just violate the Syrian airspace. However Assad said the jets hit only an "abandoned military building". In an interview with the BBC, Assad made clear that Syria would not attend a U.S.-sponsored international peace conference on the Middle East if it did not address Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights, which it captured from Syria during the 1967 war. "It should be about comprehensive peace", Assad said. He added that Syria reserves the right to respond to the attack, although he preferred it not to be a military one. "Retaliation doesn't mean missile for missile and bomb for bomb," he told the BBC in Damascus. "We have our means to retaliate, maybe politically, maybe in other ways. But we have the right to retaliate in different means." "


He might retaliate by blowing kisses to Olmert, or perhaps by helping the U.S. occupation in Iraq; these are all options to Bashar Rabbit.

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