Saturday, November 24, 2007

Abu Zuhri: Palestinians shocked at Arab participation in Annapolis

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement on Saturday denounced the participation of Arab countries in the Annapolis conference, describing it as a "big shock" for the Palestinian people.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, the Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, said in a press release that no justifications for Arab participation were accepted especially when such participation opens the door wide open for normalization with occupation and comes at a time of continued IOF diggings under the Aqsa Mosque.

He further noted that Israel had put the condition of PA recognition of it as a "Jewish state" in order to continue negotiation, and added that the Arabs go to the conference while ignoring the fact that Gaza is facing slow death under the tight Israeli siege.

The Palestinian people were expecting an Arab unanimity on breaking the siege rather than unanimously agreeing to attend a meeting with occupation, Abu Zuhri said, affirming, "We believe that the meeting would only entail more failure and more harm to the Palestinian and Arab questions and rights".

For his part, MP Dr. Mustafa Al-Barghouthi, the secretary general of the Mubadara party, affirmed that the Annapolis conference had failed before it started.

He charged that Israel imposed failure on the conference when it refused to discuss any essential issue such as that of Palestinian refugees, borders, Jerusalem and settlements.

The MP deplored the fact that the Palestinian side had allowed the Israelis to pursue such a method.

MP Khaleda Jarrar, a PFLP politburo member, stressed that the Palestinian people would reject any bargaining over the right of resistance or any attempt to conclude agreements infringing on the Palestinian basic rights.

The popular struggle front secretary general Khaled Abdul Majid has warned of the seriousness of the Annapolis conference.

In a statement to PIC, he said that the meeting was solely meant to serve American and Israeli interests, adding that it would serve as a cover up for expected American steps in the region to wipe out resistance and forces of rejection in the region.

The popular resistance committees in Gaza warned the conferees in Annapolis against gambling with the Palestinian constants, adding that the meeting would only attempt to endorse occupation's measures.

The PFLP – General Command appealed to the invitees not to go to Annapolis, describing it as a "peace mirage"."

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