Friday, November 9, 2007

Ahhhhhh....The "Democracy" of Abbas, The USraeli Puppet: PA news agency strikes to protest arrest of executive for airing Hamas

"Maan, a major independent Palestinian news agency, declared an open-ended strike on Friday to protest the Palestinian government's arrest of an executive who allowed Hamas officials and activities to appear in agency reports.

The agency shut down all 20 of its offices in the West Bank following the detention Thursday of Muataz al-Kurdi, a Maan executive and head of the privately owned Al Amal TV station in the West Bank town of Hebron.

Maan also shut down its Web site. A message posted on the said the agency expressed its deep disappointment and indignation at the arrest of journalists.....

The new government has banned the only Hamas newspaper, Felasteen, from publishing in the West Bank and has barred all mention of Hamas on West Bank TV.....

Friday is the Muslim holy day, and attempts to reach security officials to press for Al-Kurdi's release were unsuccessful, said Raed Othman, a Maan executive.

Othman criticized the Palestinian Authority for trying to muzzle journalists. "This would be a farce if it passes," Othman said."


Palestinian security arrests Mu'taz Al-Kurdi, member of Ma'an's board of directors and director of Al-Amal TV in Hebron
اعتقال معتز الكردي عضو مجلس ادارة "معا" ومدير تلفزيون الامل في الخليل وتوقف التلفزيون عن البث

Ma'an News Agency expresses its deep disappointment and indignation at arrests of journalists.

Al-Amal TV suspended it's broadcast on Friday in protest of the detention of their director.

Ma'an also announces the suspension of its work in protest. Several of Ma'an's local partners in TV and radio will also halt their broadcasts today in protest and solidarity with our colleague Mu'taz Al-Kurdi and Al-Amal TV.
اننا في وكالة معا الاخبارية نعبر عن احتجاجنا على اعتقال الصحفيين والاعلاميين، ونعلن عن احتجابنا لهذا اليوم.

كما علمت وكالة معا ان العديد من التلفزيونات والاذاعات المحلية الشريكة لـ شبكة معا ستتوقف عن البث هذا اليوم احتجاجا وتضامنا مع الزميل معتز الكردي وتلفزيون الامل.

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