Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Award-winning Photojournalist Held Incommunicado in Iraqi Torture Dungeon

Kurt Nimmo
November 20, 2007

"According to the Pentagon, Bilal Hussein, an award-winning photographer, is “a terrorist operative who infiltrated the AP.” That’s why he is being held in an Iraqi prison without due process. And that’s why the supposed “new evidence” that “has come to light” about Hussein is secret.

The military has not yet defined the specific charges against Hussein. Previously, the military has pointed to a range of suspicions that attempt to link him to insurgent activity,” reports the Associated Press.

AP Associate General Counsel Dave Tomlin “said the AP has faced chronic difficulties in meeting Hussein at the Camp Cropper detention facility in Baghdad and that its own intensive investigations of the case — conducted by a former federal prosecutor, Paul Gardephe — have found no support for allegations he was anything other than a working journalist in a war zone.”......

For the neocons in charge of the Pentagon merely taking photographs of “the aftermath of attacks and the daily lives of Iraqis in the war zone” is enough to keep Mr. Hussein in the torture dungeons of Camp Cropper indefinitely. ”Even if he comes out the other side with an acquittal — as we certainly hope and trust that he will — there is no guarantee that he won’t go right back into detention as a security risk,” said Tomlin.....

It appears Bilal Hussein’s crime is he ran up against this determined and long-term “salting of public opinion” with his award-winning photographs of “the aftermath of attacks and the daily lives of Iraqis in the war zone,” images rarely if ever shown to American television audiences.

Of course, this makes him a terrorist and a “security risk.”"

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