Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dollar's Fall Collapses the American Empire

Supermodel Spurns the Dollar
Bring Those 737 Overseas Military Bases Home!


"The US dollar is still officially the world's reserve currency, but it cannot purchase the services of Brazilian super model Gisele Bundchen. Gisele required the $30 million she earned during the first half of this year to be paid in euros......

The Romans brought on their own demise, but it took them centuries. Bush has finished America in a mere 7 years.

Even as Gisele throws off the dollar's hegemony, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Columbia are declaring independence of the IMF and World Bank, instruments of US financial hegemony, by creating their own development bank, thus bringing to an end US suzerainty over South America.

An empire that has lost its backyard is finished."

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