Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fatah supporters attack a leftist rally in Ramallah, six injured

Contributed by Lucia

"At midday on Saturday, Fatah supporters attacked a student rally that was organized by leftist factions in Beir Zeit University in the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

Witnesses told IMEMC that, as of 2 PM, six students had so far been injured in the attack. The rally was organized by the Democratic Popular Front and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian to mark the 19th anniversary of Palestine's declaration of independence.

Via phone, the witness told IMEMC that the students had been gathered in a theater on the university campus when Fatah supporters, using batons, attacked the rally with no provocation. Clashes then erupted and, as of 2 PM, they are still going on all over the university."

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