Friday, November 23, 2007

The Grinch Who Stole Anapolis

By Tony Karon

"......But, unfortunately, I feel compelled to play the Grinch. Here are some reasons why:

* This is not about a process, it’s about an horizon

When Ariel Sharon walked the Bush Administration back from the previous administration’s approach to completing the Oslo process, he succeeded in getting the U.S. to take the question of a political solution off the table altogether. According to President Bush’s Roadmap, there would be no discussion over the shape of a two-state solution until the Palestinians had complied with the Roadmap’s security demands, i.e. dismantled Hamas etc......

* Abbas has no control in Gaza, and it’s not clear how much he has in the West Bank .......

* The Palestinian Authority and the Arab regimes have no leverage or alternative ......

* Bush is a lame duck, in an election year, and besides…......

At best, Anapolis and the year that follows is going to be more process, but certainly no peace. U.S. power in the region has continued ebb, sharply, and the basis for believing that a bilateral process between Israel and the PA can achieve a two-state solution today appears hopelessly naive — the balance of power between them, and within each side’s electorate, essentially precludes it. The only basis for achieving a two-state solution now, if one is still possible (which I wouldn’t bet on), is for such a solution to be enforced by the international community. Essentially, it would require the United Nations to give the force of international law for a framework that defined the borders and other final status issues between the two, and pressed both sides to accept that framework — it may be easier for politicians on both sides to be presented with an offer they can’t refuse, rather than to have them face their electorates on the basis of negotiating compromises that their political bases would deem impermissible. After all, Israel came into being on the basis of the international community telling the inhabitants of British mandate Palestine that it would have to be partitioned. It’s not like there’s no precedent. But somehow, I think you’ll agree, that’s extremely unlikely to happen.

Which means that Bush will leave office with his Anapolis class photo, and the next U.S. president have to pick up the pieces. "

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