Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mahmoud Abbas.... the Marshal Pétain of the Palestinian People

In a recent piece author Chris Hedges described Mahmoud Abbas as "..Mahmoud Abbas, who has become the Marshal Pétain of the Palestinian people." What a fitting description of a Palestinian traitor.

"In 1940, aged 83, Petain agreed to head the Vichy government in occupied France. Petain fled to Switzerland after the Normandy landings but when he returned in April, 1945, he was arrested and charged with treason. Petain was found guilty of and sentenced to death for aiding the German enemy. The sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. Henri-Philippe Petain died in prison in 1951."

The cartoon below is perfect to describe Abbas, just replace the Nazi soldier with the Zio-Nazi, Olmert.

Saving France - for Germany
or, in this case, saving Palestine for Israel.

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