Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nazzal: Palestinian people will not allow Abbas to undermine their sacrifices

"Damascus, (PIC)-- Mohammed Nazzal, the prominent Hamas political leader and member of its political bureau, said Saturday that the Palestinian people will not allow PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to tamper with their aspirations and their sacrifices. "Our Palestinian masses that offered everything precious to preserve, protect, and continue the resistance against the occupation will not allow Abbas to undermine their sacrifices, destroy their aspirations, waste blood of their martyrs and agonies of their captives", affirmed Nazzal in an exclusive interview with the PIC.

Nazzal was apparently reacting to the pledge given by Abbas and Salam Fayyad, the head of the "illegitimate" PA government in Ramallah, to the Israelis that they will dismantle and crackdown on the Palestinian resistance factions in the West Bank. "It is clear that the PA presidency and the Fayyadh-Dayton government in Ramallah city have thrown themselves into the Israeli and American laps", the Hamas official said.

He also charged that Abbas's pledge to chase Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank, in addition to information leaked on the nature of the PA-Israeli negotiations affirm that Abbas is planning to turn the PA security apparatuses into another Lahd army with the aim to quell and to pursue Palestinian resistance fighters, including honorable member of the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah faction.

Israeli official sources welcomed the Abbas-Fayyad pledge that came in the wake of a number of signals the two had made concerning the implementation of the first stage of the infamous roadmap plan that stipulates the necessity to dismantle the infrastructure of the Palestinian resistance.

He also linked the Abbas-Fayyad pledge to the draft resolution prepared and presented by Abbas's envoy to the UN Riyadh Mansour instigating the international community against the resistance in the Gaza Strip.....

"It is clear that the draft resolution presented by Abbas's envoy to the UN Riyadh Mansour that aimed at internationalizing the internal Palestinian crises, condemning the resistance and dealing with it as terrorism proves that the PA presidency was driving a road leading to a new Oslo [accord] and even worse", Nazzal underscored.

In this concern, Nazzal called on the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance factions to confront the PA presidency team that "sold itself for a cheap price",......"Our Palestinian people can, through their prudence and awareness, read between the lines, and they know very well who protects their national constants and who make business and personal gains out of them", said Nazzal......"

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