Tuesday, November 20, 2007

PFLP fighters say they didn’t forget Abbas's forces crime in Jericho

"GAZA,NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has accused the PA security apparatuses under the command of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas of targeting them, affirming they didn’t and will not forget the crime of those forces against the PFLP leaders in Jericho.

The Brigades were apparently referring to the PA security forces connivance with the IOF troops in arresting MP Ahmad Sa'adat, the secretary-general of the Front, and four of his comrades in the PA-run Jericho prison in 2006.

"Those who think that we forgot the PA crime in Jericho prison are indeed deluded, and those who think we might forgive that crime are indeed more deluded as we affirm that our patience and tolerance over that felony was out of our national sense in advancing national interest over our own interest", affirmed the armed wing in a statement it issued in this concern, and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC.

Yet, the Brigades warned that any hand attempting to harm or confiscate the resistance weapon will "pay high price".

The PA security forces under Abbas's command, which are mostly Fatah cadres, had been coordinating with the IOF troops in the West Bank to uproot and to hit the infrastructure of the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank.

"Those who are dreaming to arrest and place Palestinian fighters in detention cells are only the collaborators, traitors, and servants of the [Israeli] occupation and its [malicious] project", the statement added.

Officials of the Ramallah-based "illegitimate" PA government under Salam Fayyadh had publicly acknowledged that they promised the IOA to finish off the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank as required by the security part of the ill-fated roadmap plan.

The PA promises to the Israeli occupation were promptly carried out on the ground as evident with the PA security elements besieging several PFLP fighters in the Palestinian refugee camp of Beit Ein Al-Ma'a in Nablus city among other places.

The PA security elements' step was widely condemned in the Palestinian street.

Moreover, the armed wing lashed out at Theyab Al-Ali, the commander of the PA forces that is besieging the PFLP fighters in the refugee camp, and Jamal Al-Muhaisen, the appointed governor of Nablus, for targeting the Palestinian resistance fighters.

"Where have they (Ali and Muhaisen and their PA forces) been when IOF troops stormed the refugee camp and ransacked Palestinian homes in it, leaving fighters of the Palestinian resistance alone in defending the camp and its Palestinian inhabitants?" The Brigades questioned in the statement.

Members of Hamas Movement in the West Bank were the main objective of the IOF troops and the PA security departments as hundreds of them were arrested and placed in detention cells in different PA jails in the West Bank.

Hamas Movement had earlier condemned the "passive" stand of other Palestinian factions towards Abbas's forces crimes against Hamas members and charities in the West Bank, warning that the PA attack on the resistance would reach all factions if they remained idle.

The Biet Ein Al-Ma'a incident and the targeting of the PFLP fighters proved that Hamas's anticipations were correct. "

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