Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Punishing Gaza

By Stephen Lendman

"....Hamas also revealed plans to follow Damascus with meetings in Gaza and the West Bank to further highlight what Hamas and others call "this mockery" of a US-Israeli-Abbas effort to compromise or scrap issues vital to the Palestinian people like the right of return and status of Jerusalem. Ideas to be discussed include selecting "alternative and parallel national bodies" to counter Fatah's disregard for "the Palestinian national consensus." Under consideration is a new National Council and Executive Committee in direct opposition to Abbas who (along with Secretary Rice) tried unsuccessfully to abort Hamas' initiative. Little is expected from Annapolis, and some believe that may trigger a third Intifada and swing momentum to Hamas.

Shin Bet's Yuval Diskin thinks not but others disagree. Oslo came out of the first Intifada, and Israel's Gaza disengagement followed the second one. Nothing is off the table this time. Stay closely tuned."

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