Friday, November 30, 2007

Rabin and My Father

At the time, people were shocked when my father said that Rabin’s government had no intention of allowing the Palestinians to establish an independent state.

By Miko Peled
Special to

".......At the time, people were shocked when my father said that Rabin’s government had no intention of allowing the Palestinians to establish an independent state. Some even attributed his words to his old age and ailing body. But that was not the case at all. The Oslo accords were flawed, and he knew it then because he took the time to read them. Arafat agreed to recognize the state of Israel and in return he got an agreement to a step-by-step process towards an objective that was never clearly defined. Arafat’s willingness to agree to this exhibited a great deal of faith and courage for which he never received credit. There were others, like Edward Said who had read the accords and refused to be blinded by euphoria of the moment. The bottom line was this: Rabin, the man who swore to break their bones, was not going to let Palestinians establish an independent state of their own......"

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