Thursday, November 29, 2007

Same Old, Same old – Israel Wins Again

While negotiations drag on, while more land is settled, while the brutality of the occupation continues, the Palestinians lose, Israel wins.

By Jim Miles
Special to

"As I sit and read the announcements from today’s first discussions from Annapolis, all I can see is another dismal failure for peace and another year long “negotiation” process that like Oslo, Camp David, the ‘road map’ all lead to the same place. That place, as so clearly denoted by the late Tanya Rinehart, is nowhere......

What the actual outcome of all this is of course an unknown, but my best guess is – not much. Israel is where it has liked to be over the past several decades, allowing itself to be perceived as the victim of terror while at the same time occupying and terrorizing the citizens of Palestine. While negotiations drag on, while more land is settled, while the brutality of the occupation continues, the Palestinians lose, Israel wins. "

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