Friday, November 23, 2007

Syria cancels the Palestinian factions meeting in opposition to Annapolis

"A high-ranking Palestinian source reportedly revealed to Al-Quds Al-Arabi on Thursday that the Damascus regime barred the opposition Palestinian factions' meeting. The unnamed source added that the Syrian authorities succumbed to pressure imposed by the Americans, Arabs, Europeans and even Palestinians.

A member of the Hamas political office reported to Al-Quds Al-Arabi that the meeting was suspended until it is clear what the autumn meeting in Annapolis will entail......

Sources declared that Syria barred the Palestinian factions from meeting as it might worsen Syria's relationship with the American Administration. Syria is relying on the American Administration to put pressure on Tel-Aviv to restore negotiations with them.......

Sources added that the Palestinian factions leaders are overwhelmed by anger about Syria's decision but dare not reveal it publicly for fear that Syria will expel them from Syrian lands. Their fear springs from the fact that the Israeli government only agreed to have negotiations with them on the conditon that they banish so-called terrorist leaders and heads of the political department of Hamas from Syria; Khaled Mash'al will be the first to go if this condition is acted upon.......

For his part, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President, confirmed his opposition to the meeting that Hamas called to convene in Syria at the same time as the international summit, convened by the United States......"

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