Monday, December 3, 2007

The 12 Myths of Annapolis

A Very Good Analysis Which I Should Have Posted Earlier

by Phyllis Bennis
Institute for Policy Studies

"Myth #1) The Annapolis meeting was designed to launch serious new negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians that aimed at ending the occupation and producing a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the region based on a two-state solution.

In fact, the two main reasons for the conference had virtually nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. The real reasons for convening the conference were 1) to strengthen Arab government support for U.S. strategies in the Middle East, including the war in Iraq and particularly the escalation of pressure aimed at Iran. 2) To provide a photo-op to reframe Condoleezza Rice's legacy, now largely shaped by her embrace of Israel's bombardment of Lebanon in 2006, to the legacy of a would-be peacemaker.

Myth #2) The time is right for new talks because, as President Bush said, "Palestinians and Israelis have leaders who are determined to achieve peace."....

Myth #3) The Annapolis conference will provide hope for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank so Hamas supporters will be won over to support Abbas and the new peace process.......

Myth #4) U.S. presidential "engagement" in Middle East diplomacy is inherently useful; the problem so far has been Bush's lack of engagement......

Myth #5) At Annapolis the U.S. appropriately recognizes Israel and the Palestinians as two equal players, with equal responsibility for the conflict and equal obligations to compromise......

Myth #6) The discussions in Annapolis prove that a "two state solution" remains the only possible and legitimate outcome.....

Myth #7) Israeli participation in the Annapolis conference indicates a willingness to make serious new compromises on the long-standing obstacles to a just and lasting peace......

Myth #8) Arab participation reflects U.S. and Israeli acceptance of the 2002 Arab peace initiative as part of the diplomatic framework......

Myth #9) Syria's participation means Syria is now joining the pro-western anti-Iran contingent in the region......And Syrian participation in Annapolis could be viewed as paying a kind of protection money, reducing the influence of the "Syria Next" crowd in Washington......

Myth #10) The speeches given at Annapolis will inspire new commitments......

Myth #11) The Annapolis conference was based on implementing all relevant UN resolutions......

Myth #12) Annapolis was a failure.

If we understand Annapolis for what it really was, it may prove to be a great success. (See Myth #1) The Arab regimes can go home with transcripts of their own speeches, whether bluster or statesmanlike, and show their people how they stood up to Israel and the U.S., and how they helped the Palestinians. They can then show more willingness the next time Bush asks them for fly-over rights, for base rights, for political support. And Condoleezza Rice got her photo-ops. Her legacy, too early to say. But based on its real, however unacknowledged, goals, Annapolis may turn out to be a great success........"

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