Friday, December 28, 2007

2 (IOF) soldiers killed, one hurt in W. Bank shooting attack

"Two soldiers were killed Friday in a drive-by shooting in the south Hebron Hills. The two were hiking in the area of the Talam and Adura settlements with a female resident of Kiryat Arba, when a group of four terrorists opened fire on them from a Jeep.

The soldiers, named as David Ruben and Ahikam Amihai, managed to return fire, reportedly killing one of the terrorists. Both victims were in elite units of the IDF, with Ruben serving as a sergeant in the Israeli Naval commandos and Amihai as a corporal in the Israel Air Force commandos unit.

They later died from their wounds, while the woman who accompanied them managed to hide, but was lightly wounded....."


It is paradoxical that the Palestinian resistance is having more success hunting down the IOF in the occupied West Bank than in liberated Gaza. This, in spite of the fact that the resistance in the W.B. has been decimated, not just by the IOF, but also by the Palestinian Lahad quisling.

Two main reasons:

1) Direct contact with the occupier.

2) More effective clandestine tactics used in the W.B. The resistance is forced to go underground in the W.B. and to adopt guerrilla tactics. In contrast, in Gaza, the resistance is trying to act as a regular army which is a disastrous mistake.


Dissolve the PA; let Israel occupy Gaza and shoulder the burden of the occupation; and let the resistance go underground and start to fight a true guerrilla fight. Don't forget to start by studying Sun Tzu's, "The Art of War," and apply it.

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