Saturday, December 22, 2007

Apartheid-style Fight for Democracy Looms

Despite seeing the one-state train coming down the track, it is unlikely that Olmert will accept a just two-state solution. He is more likely to try to impose a bantustan on Abbas.

By James Bowen
Palestine Chronicle

"Samuel Johnson, who once said that "a second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience", would have had something pithy to say about anybody expecting justice for the Palestinians from the Annapolis process. Too many past initiatives have been derailed by the intransigence of Israeli governments whose tactic has long been to delay justice in order to deny justice.....

Olmert is surely aware that a group of Palestinian and Israeli intellectuals issued a declaration last week in which they called for "a single state . . . that does not privilege the rights of one ethnic or religious group over another".

Despite seeing the one-state train coming down the track, it is unlikely that Olmert will accept a just two-state solution. He is more likely to try to impose a bantustan on Abbas. If he does, the South African-style struggle will not be long behind. "

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