Monday, December 3, 2007

Audio: Crossing the Line interviews Ramallah activist Sam Bahour

Podcast, Crossing the Line, 3 December 2007

"This week on Crossing The Line: Over recent years it has been increasingly difficult for foreign passport-holding Palestinians and internationals visiting Palestine to obtain visas and renew them from the governing Israeli occupation. Palestinian-American activist Sam Bahour joins us from Ramallah to discuss Israel's control of people who wish to visit Palestine.

Next Brown speaks with EI contributor and Crossing the Line correspondent Rami Almeghari about a mother of seven who died while waiting to receive permission from the Israelis to leave Gaza to receive medical care. Brown also speaks with Iyad Nasir, spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza about recent human rights workshops led by the ICRC for Palestinian resistance activists from Gaza....."

Click Here to Listen

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