Thursday, December 6, 2007

Barghouthi: New settlements in Jerusalem big blow to Annapolis

"GAZA, PIC-- Palestinian legislator and former information minister in the dissolved PA unity government MP Dr. Mustafa Al-Barghouthi has described Israel's decision to construct 300 new settlement units in the occupied city of Jerusalem as "big blow" to the US-hosted Annapolis conference.

Barghouthi also affirmed that the Israeli decision confirms Israel's rejection to freeze settlement constructions in the occupied West Bank, especially in Jerusalem city, and supports statements uttered by Israel's foreign minister Tzipi Levni in Annapolis that Israel didn’t offer anything to the Palestinians in order not to "handcuff itself".

"Israel is practicing a deceptive policy and exploits meetings and political gatherings to cover for its expansion schemes purposely to impose facts on the ground through the construction of more settlements and through the daily incursions into the Palestinian lands", affirmed Barghouthi......

Moreover, the PA legislator explained that the Palestinian leadership committed a "big mistake" in attending the ill-fated Annapolis conference and in signing documents free of Palestinian conditions, including comprehensive halt of Israeli settlement construction, elimination of the separation wall, lifting the economic sanctions on Gaza Strip, and retracting declaring it as "enemy entity" among other essential Palestinian objectives......."

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