Saturday, December 8, 2007

Because the Pharaoh Has No Balls: Visiting European medics warn of a health disaster in Gaza

"A delegation of European medics in Gaza warned on Saturday of an imminent health disaster in the Gaza Strip, due to the ongoing Israeli siege.

The delegation's remarks came on the sideline of a visit to the Gaza-European hospital, to the south of the coastal region.

Dr. Walter Konty, Swiss head of the five-member delegation, was quated as saying " it is unfair to punish an entire community, as what Israel is currently imprisoning the Palestinians at a big jail, the same as what Jews went through during the II World War".

Member of the delegation, Palestinian-Swiss doctor, Abdelrahman Jandali, expressed his concern and fear over the current situation, saying " the current situation is alarming"

Nurse Barbil Kostali, wondered as to how the Palestinians are holding and bearable toward such an Israeli closure of their travel and commercial crossings.

Head of the local committee to break the siege, MP Jamal aL-Khodari, escorted the visiting team and produced facts and figures about the repercussions of the underway Israeli siege.

aL-Khodary stated that with Israel preventing access of 900 patients to treatment at hospitals outside the Gaza Strip, means a pre-determined ' slow death sentence'.

He called on the visitors to convey the real image of Gaza siege to the outside world, warning of the continuation of the Israeli closure, unless the international community and the European Union intervene immediately. "

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