Saturday, December 22, 2007

Blair called for BAE inquiry to be halted

David Leigh and Rob Evans
Saturday December 22, 2007
The Guardian

"Tony Blair's personal role as prime minister in halting the Saudi arms sale bribery investigation is revealed in court documents which the Guardian is publishing in full on its website.

Government memos stamped "Secret" reveal that the then attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, twice tried in vain to stop Blair interfering in the criminal investigation.

His chief of staff told the cabinet secretary, Gus O'Donnell, on October 3 2006: "The attorney general is of the firm view that, if the case is in fact soundly based, it would not be right to discontinue it."....."

Official memos released in court case (pdf)

Witness statement by head of Serious Fraud Office (pdf)

Video: Prince Bandar, challenged as to whether there is corruption in deals with the Saudi royal family, replies: "Yes. So what?"

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