Monday, December 17, 2007

Breaking the Bestial Siege of Gaza: What we can do

12.15.2007 |

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 06:30:39 -0800
From: womeninblackla[at]
To: WomeninblackLA[at]
Subject: Breaking the Siege of Gaza

This email is being sent to those of you who endorsed the petition we sent to the Israeli Philharmonic a year ago. At the time, we said we would seldom email you unless another project evolved that was of equal or greater importance. Well, Breaking The Siege of Gaza is that project. We need:

* your organizational endorsements, which you can send to this email address as you did last year

* your donations

At the end of the year, if you're looking for a worthy cause to donate whatever amount you can, please consider this project. After exhaustive work by one member in our group, we have been granted a 501C3, and your donations are tax exempt.

Some may already know about what we Palestinians/Israelis/Internationals are trying to accomplish. For those of you who don't know, please go to our website, , where we have outlined what we are doing and why. Sailing to Gaza in May/June 2008 to break the terrible Israeli siege of an occupied people is innovative and courageous. We already have 65 people from 15 countries asking to come onboard. The media has also written about our preparations.

Over the past five months, we have raised almost $65,000 to buy three boats.Those donations have come from people around the world who believe in this action. But we need three times that amount to purchase these boats.

We will accept any amount. You can donate through the Paypal account on our website, or you can write out your tax-deductible check to The Free Gaza Movement and send it to:

The Free Gaza Movement
405 Vista Heights Rd.
El Cerrito, CA 94530

All funds will be used to buy the boats to go to Gaza.

If any of you would like more information on the project, please email me at this address, and I will send more information.

Finally, if you know of a list of people who would be interested, you are welcome to forward our plea onward.

Greta Berlin
Women in Black Los Angeles
The Free Gaza Movement

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