Monday, December 24, 2007

From UK to Gaza: Greetings with tears of Rage In Our eyes

"Felicity Arbithnot and David Halpin join me in sending our thoughts at this unhappiest of Christmas-times in Gaza.

Greetings to all the citizens of Gaza, and the many new friends from my short visit last month.

And congratulations to you guys at PCAS for producing this excellent website and providing a channel of communication with the outside world.

As an Englishman I am embarrassed to show you this letter just received from Kim Howells, Minister of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office responsible for the Middle East, in reply to questions put to him.....

Howells defines the situation in Israel's terms - the victim of 'extremists'. Only Israel's security is important, no-one else's.

Dancing to Israel's tune

It's no surprise that he is a former chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. The Opposition's foreign affairs spokesman is also a Friend of Israel, as is the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. Blair also. Brown, probably. Conservative leader David Cameron, who hopes to be the next prime minister, is not only a Friend of Israel but calls himself a Zionist. At every turn the path to justice is blocked by an Israeli stooge. It is easy to see who shapes British foreign policy. Our leaders are dancing to Israel's tune. They loudly proclaim democracy but reject the Palestinians' democratic choice, preferring to 'do business' in the Holy Land with quislings and racists......

You Hamas lads , if you capture Olmert send him home with Article 13 tattooed on his forehead and Articles 3 and 5 stencilled on his backside. Blair also. And Bush when he visits Palestine to meet his puppets.

The continuing siege of Gaza is a chilling reminder of Israel's vicious assault on Lebanon last year, when the west lacked the human decency to say ENOUGH! even while horrific death and destruction was being inflicted on an innocent population.

Once again our leaders turn their back - this time on Israel's unlawful attempts to squeeze the life out of Gaza. While they are busy enjoying their Christmas festivities, indulging themselves extravagantly with fine wines and foods, and jetting off wherever they please to see family and friends, Muslims and Christians trapped in the West Bank and Gaza are terrorised and starved. They care little, it seems, that Gaza is being turned into another Warsaw Ghetto by their 'friends' in Tel Aviv......."

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