Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Honeymoon Was So Short! The Syrian Regime Will Get What it Deserves: Contempt!

Bush: Patience with Syria's Assad had 'run out long ago'

"U.S. President George W. Bush said on Thursday his patience with Syrian President Bashar Assad had run out long ago. "Syria needs to stay out of Lebanon," Bush told a White House news conference when asked whether he would be willing to talk to Assad about stabilizing Lebanon, which is caught up in a political crisis.

The Bush administration has tried to isolate Damascus diplomatically, though Syria sent representatives to the Annapolis peace conference hosted by the U.S. last month.

"My patience ran out on President Assad a long time ago," Bush said. "The reason why is because he houses Hamas, he facilitates Hezbollah, suiciders go from his country into Iraq and he destabilizes Lebanon," Bush said....."

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