Thursday, December 20, 2007

'IDF ability to fight Qassams limited'

Chief of army intelligence speaks at TAU meet, says military has limited resources when fighting camouflaged Qassam launchers in Gaza. 'It's like looking for a needle in a haystack,' he says

"Chief IDF Intelligence Officer Brig.-Gen.Yuval Halamish said Thursday that the IDF's activity against Qassams launchers in some parts of the Gaza Strip is "difficult and nearly impossible," adding that unfortunately, luck plays a major role in the battle....

"The Qassams have a major effect on the home front's morale, especially when our ability to fight Qassams launchers in some parts of the Gaza strip is minimal – it's like looking for a needle in a haystack."

The type of warfare used by militants in Gaza is similar to what the IDF encountered while fighting in Lebanon, said Halamish, adding the terror groups in Gaza receive constant intelligence and weapons from Iran, Syria and the Hizbullah. "

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