Monday, December 10, 2007

Iran, Nukes, and the 'Laptop of Death'

How we were almost lied into war – again

By Justin Raimondo

"The pushback against the recent finding [.pdf] by America's 16 intelligence agencies that puts "high confidence" in their evaluation that Iran stopped its covert nuclear weapons project in 2003 has the Lobby going into overdrive – with (who else?) John Bolton leading the charge, crying "Putsch!" and decrying the NIE as pure "politics." Bolton and his neoconservative co-thinkers are really just echoing the Israelis, however, who have sullenly asserted their own dissent, albeit discreetly enough to maintain the fiction of their own complete lack of influence. For the Israeli view, however, all we have to do is go over to The New Republic, which has always reflected the allegiances of its publisher and sometime owner, where Yossi Klein Halevi derides the NIE as an "insult to intelligence." The it's-all-political theme, echoed by the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, Bob Baer in Time, and the Israeli-occupied regions of the blogosphere, is neatly summarized by Halevi.......

We were almost lied into war again – and the Lobby may yet succeed in manipulating us into a conflict with Iran. As I said last week, the danger of war has not yet passed, and may even be increased on account of the new NIE – because the War Party never rests. At any moment, some fresh "intelligence" similar to the "laptop of death," the infamous "dodgy dossier," or the Niger uranium forgeries could come out of the woodwork. All we know is that the current crop of national security bureaucrats is going to put up a fight before they allow us to be duped again. The question that cries out for an answer, however, is: who duped us the last time around? "

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