Monday, December 24, 2007

Israeli official reveals that Abbas agreed to Jerusalem settlement expansion

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- An Israeli government official revealed that there was an agreement between Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas with regard to expanding Israeli settlements in and around occupied Jerusalem, and that such settlements are outside the scope of final status talks.

Majali Wahbi, the Israeli deputy Foreign Minister, expressed astonishment at statements made by Abbas's Authority condemning the planned expansion of settlements in occupied Jerusalem.

Wahbi told al-Jazeera satellite channel on Sunday that these settlements were agreed upon before, that they were outside the scope of negotiations and that they will be annexed to the Greater Jerusalem Municipality.

Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev, said that they were committed to not expanding settlement outside Israel as stipulated in the roadmap plan and that the areas where the expansion is going to take place are outside the scope of negotiations. "

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