Monday, December 24, 2007

Livni: Egypt's actions along border harm Israel-PA peace process

Referring to smuggling of arms into Gaza, foreign ministers tells Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee 'what Egypt is doing at the Philadelphi Corridor is deplorable and problematic'

"Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Monday that Egyptian actions along the Philadelphi Route harm Israel's ability to promote the peace process with the Palestinians.

"The need to dramatically decrease the amount of arms that are being smuggled into Gaza is an Israeli strategic goal, and of course this affects our relations with Egypt," she told the committee.

"The Egyptians played a positive role at the Annapolis Conference, but that does not contradict the fact that what they are doing at Philadelphi is deplorable and problematic," Livni told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. According to the FM, these actions have ramifications for the ability of pragmatic Palestinian elements to gain control of the area......."

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