Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mashaal: Palestinians Can Start a 3rd and 4th Intifada


"15/12/2007 "Whoever thinks Hamas is going through a crisis is very much mistaken," said Hamas politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal, adding that "the Palestinian people can start a third and a fourth intifada until victory is secured."

In a speech aired on Hamas TV Saturday to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Islamic resistance organization's establishment, the Damascus-based leader added, “Anyone who thinks legitimacy stems from international support is also wrong, it comes from the people,” he said, alluding to Hamas's upset parliamentary election victory over Abbas's secular Fatah faction in January last year.

Mashaal admitted that his movement's 20th anniversary came amid "difficult circumstances and a painful situation for the besieged Palestinians in Gaza." Israel closed Gaza to all but essential humanitarian supplies. In September it declared the territory a "hostile entity" and the following month it began restricting fuel supplies creating what the World Health Organization described on Monday as an "intolerable" humanitarian situation.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people gathered in central Gaza City on Saturday for a rally marking Hamas's 20th anniversary. Waving green flags and banners, throngs of Palestinians poured into Katiba quare ahead of the rally at which dismissed Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya and other officials were expected to speak."

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