Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The "Moderate" (helping the US) Face of Syria: Iraq Praises Syrian Cooperation in Boosting Security


"12/12/2007 Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari on Wednesday praised Syria's efforts to stop the flow of militants into his country saying the security situation in occupied Iraq was improving.

"There is better security cooperation on the part of Syria to help the Iraqi government to police the (Syria-Iraqi) border and to prevent the movement of fighters" into Iraq, Zebari told a press conference in Damascus.

"The security situation in Iraq has started to improve. We appreciate the measures taken by Syria," he said at the joint conference with Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem without specifying the nature of the measures.

"The data on the ground shows a drop in the movement of members of criminal gangs and terrorists in Iraq, because of the (Syrian) application of these measures."

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday gave assurances of his country's support for national reconciliation in occupied Iraq and the strengthening of Iraqi institutions, the state news agency SANA said."


What other services to Bush is Bashar going to offer next? Throw Hamas leaders out of Syria? Cut off arm supplies to Hizbullah? Torture more Maher Arrars rendered by the CIA? Whatever it takes to save the regime

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