Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Some People Never Learn the Lesson

By Gilad Atzmon

"On Thursday afternoon, Gordon Brown learned that he was to become only the second sitting British Prime Minister to be subject to a police investigation.

This is happening less than six months after Tony Blair had left Downing Street under the severe cloud of a police probe into the Cash for Honours affair.

For Blair it was No 1 Labour fundraiser, the Zionist Lord Levy who got him into serious trouble, for Brown it is Mr David Abrahams (in the photo, Abrahams is on the right, with an MP friend) , just another ‘Friend of Israel’ and a provincial chairman of Jewish Labour, who may be the one to finish off his political career.

Once again, the Labour Party had to admit that it erred by accepting donations from dubious sources. '”The money was not lawfully declared, so it will be returned,” said the Prime Minister, after the disclosure that Labour had benefited to the tune of more than £600,000 from a bizarre funding scheme arranged by David Abrahams, an eccentric property tycoon who decided to donate his money by proxy......."

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