Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sources: “P.A in the West Bank considers Hamas outlawed”

"The Al Quds Al Arabi Newspaper reported on Friday that one of the Palestinian security officers in the West Bank stated that Hamas is considered an outlawed movement.

According to the paper, the official said that that Hamas is an illegal movement “and must be uprooted from the West Bank”.

The paper added that the official also said that the Palestinian government in the West Bank did not make a public announcement regarding outlawing Hamas movement, but the security devices deal with it as such.

Moreover, the paper also reported that a resident from a village near Bethlehem was recently released from a Palestinian security center after being interrogated for several days.

The resident, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that he was interrogated for his affiliation with Hamas. He is a school teacher working at a local governmental school.

According to him, the interrogators said that any resident who is a member or affiliated with Hamas will be treated as an outlaw.

Recently, Palestinian security forces, loyal to Fateh movement, arrested dozens of Hamas members and supporters in the West Bank.

In mid June, Hamas overtook the Gaza Strip and controlled all of the Palestinian security headquarters which were dominated by Fateh. Following the incident, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas declared the Hamas-formed and controlled Executive Force as illegal. "

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