Friday, December 14, 2007

Susan Sarandon exploring request that she cut ties with Leviev over Israeli settlement construction

by NY - Adalah

"New York, NY, Dec. 10, 2007 – Oscar-winning actress and UNICEF goodwill ambassador Susan Sarandon has told a New York City activist group, Adalah-NY, that she is exploring Israeli diamond magnate Lev Leviev’s construction of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and exploitation of marginalized communities in other parts of the world. Sarandon was responding to a letter from Adalah-NY requesting that she boycott Leviev. According to The New York Post, Sarandon attended the November 13 gala opening of Leviev's Madison Avenue jewelry boutique LEVIEV New York, as Adalah-NY protested Leviev’s illegal activities outside.....

Adalah-NY spokesperson Issa Mikel explained, “We greatly appreciate that Ms. Sarandon has taken the issue of human rights abuses in Palestine so seriously. Mr. Leviev’s human rights abuses and exploitation of communities from Palestine to Angola to Brooklyn are clear. As noted in our letter, we are confident that Ms. Sarandon was unaware of Leviev’s activities. We expect that once she verifies the facts, she will conclude that the only appropriate action is to sever her ties with Leviev. Many organizations and individuals have been asking us about Ms. Sarandon’s response, and we are pleased that she is closely studying the issue.”..."

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