Friday, December 21, 2007

Top Hezbollah official blasts Bush, says Lebanon rejects his tutelage

"The militant Hezbollah group lashed out on Friday at U.S. President George W. Bush for urging Lebanon's anti-Syrian lawmakers to push through their own choice for president if need be to resolve the country's long political deadlock.....

....Hezbollah's deputy leader, Sheik Naim Kassem, said in a statement Friday that the American leader's orders will not be implemented in Lebanon. "Bush still thinks he can bet again on achieving some gains for America and Israel in Lebanon, despite consecutive and accumulated failures in the region," Kassem said, apparently referring to U.S. policies in Iraq and Hezbollah's war last year with Israel.....

Parliament had been scheduled Saturday to try again to start the process of electing army chief Michel Suleiman as president. But opposition leader Michel Aoun told reporters Friday that there will be no vote Saturday because there is no agreement and all dialogue lines are broken.....

The continued deadlock has also dealt a blow to hopes of a warming between the United States and Syria after Damascus participated in last month's Mideast peace conference in Annapolis, Md.....

"The March 14th Coalition can run their candidate and their parliament; majority plus one ought to determine who the president is. And when that happens, the world ought to embrace the president," Bush said.

"Syria needs to let the process in Lebanon work," Bush said, sharply rejecting any dialogue with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"My patience ran out on President Assad a long time ago," Bush said. "And the reason why is, is because he houses Hamas, he facilitates Hezbollah, suiciders go from his country to Iraq, and he destabilizes Lebanon. And so, if he's listening, he doesn't need a phone call. He knows exactly what my position is.".....

American President Bush announced the bad news and gave his direct orders to his group in Lebanon to violate the constitution, Kassem said. "At a time when the Lebanese are trying to reach an accord, he is trying to create problems between them."

"Bush, your orders will not be implemented and your tutelage is rejected," Kassim said. "Lebanon is not a farm that you can do whatever you want with it."......"

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