Wednesday, December 19, 2007

TV BROADCAST EXCLUSIVE: Iraqi Witnesses, Victims Describe Blackwater Shooting in Harrowing Detail

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"Democracy Now! broadcasts, for the first time on television, graphic new details about Blackwater’s Sept. 16th shooting in Nisoor Square in Baghdad. We hear from three Iraqis who were caught up in the attack: a traffic policeman who witnessed the shootings up close and tried to help the victims, a computer technician on his way to buy a gift who was shot in the arm, and a doctor whose wife and son were shot and burned to death in the attack.....

AMY GOODMAN: We’re talking to Susan Burke. She has filed a lawsuit today—is filing a lawsuit again against Blackwater for an attack that happened a week before the infamous Nisoor Square attack on September 16. And now, graphic new details about that attack on September 16 in Nisoor Square in Baghdad. The legal team suing Blackwater has conducted a series of extensive interviews with witnesses and victims of the shooting.

Today, we’re going to hear and see three Iraqis who were caught up in the attack: a traffic guard who witnessed the shootings and tried his best to help the victims; a computer technician on his way to buy a gift, who was shot in the arm; and a doctor whose wife and son were shot and burned to death in the attack. Their stories stand in stark contrast to Blackwater CEO and founder Erik Prince’s congressional testimony on October 2nd. This is Democratic Congressmember Danny Davis questioning Erik Prince......"

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