Friday, December 21, 2007

Xmas Greetings...

By Layla Anwar

"I have it fresh for you guys...

While you are doing your Xmas decoration and writing good wishes cards...
While you are on your usual bulimia of shopping and stuffing your frigdes and cupboards with more...
While you are arranging your, oh so sweet green Xmas tree and arranging for your Santa to stuff socks for your kids with all kind of goodies... How nice, how generous!
Stuff the socks and stuff the turkey, eat, drink and be merry...

Why not indeed. You deserve it. You are such a good people, with such a great conscience. Who could really say otherwise?

Well got news for you fellow "humans", I can say otherwise...

The latest figures from UNICEF on the children of Iraq reads as follows:

- 2 Million Iraqi kids this month are DIRECTLY threatened by disease, illiteracy, violence and famine.

- 25,000 kids are displaced each month and are susceptible to getting killed .

and do not forget the Bingo, Jackpot, Luck charm number for your holiday seasons,

-5 Million Iraqi kids are orphaned . OK Let me spell it for you again. ORPHANED. That means, they lost BOTH parents.

So when you are busy stuffing yourselves with more and more, remember those figures, for they are of YOUR doing. Yes, you read me right- Your own doing.

And since you are such forward planners and visionaries with agendas full with your 5 and 10 year plans and you can supposedly think and see beyond your navel and nose, do take 5 minutes of your precious time and envisage what the future of Iraq will look like with these numbers...

And do say hello to your lovely little ones will you ?!

And oops, I nearly forgot to wish it - Happy, happy, Xmas to the "civilized" world."

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