Thursday, January 24, 2008

Crime and impunity

For as long as Israel treats its armed forces as if they are above the law, it will face the charge that it condones torture

By Seth Freedman
The Guardian

"According to a Canadian foreign affairs department manual released last week, Israel is one of several countries where prisoners risk being tortured and abused while in custody.

In response to the accusation, the Israeli embassy spokesman called for Israel's removal from the list, claiming that the Israeli supreme court "expressly prohibits any type of torture".

In the light of the Israelis' objections, Canada subsequently backtracked from its original stance and removed Israel from the list.

However, according to the lawyer Audrey Bomse, project manager of the United Against Torture Coalition (UAT), torture and ill treatment of prisoners in Israel remains a serious issue within the country. She cited Israel's refusal to sign the UN optional protocol to the convention against torture as evidence that the country is still a long way off meeting other states' ethical standards in terms of conduct towards detainees......"

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