Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Very Recent Email From Gaza: The Situation is Desperate; People May Crash Across The Border!

"Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:39:41 -0800
From: charlesmglassmail2003 [at]

Dear Charlie,

No electricity, people are going hungry, no bread, and no medicine and lots of things that are missing. people are out in the streets now calling for the world to end the starvation and siege.

it might be that people's only option is to break out the borderline and go to Egypt and get food.

It's scary here. no bread, no water at home where I am. I have some leftovers biscuits from two days ago
. but my laptop batteries will be flat soon.

I will find a new agency from those who have electricity generators to recharge my laptop and keep online, if you don't hear from me this is why.

Again, I fear Israeli warplanes will bomb the people in the streets. people are in lines trying to find bread.

I never seen this in all my 23 years life


"The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything."
Albert Einstein"


I think that the time has come for a massive mobilization to crash the border and forcefully open the Rafah crossing! The Egyptian regime only listens to Bush and Olmert and has no conscience.

A sudden death resisting the siege is far better than a slow, agonizing death! Do it now! Power to the people!

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