Friday, January 25, 2008

Demonstrations around the world in support of Gaza

candlelight vigil in Barcelona against the Israeli imposed siege on Gaza

Contributed by Lucia in Spain

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- This week witnessed numerous demonstrations and protests held in support of the Gaza people against the tight siege imposed by Israel for the past eight months.

In the West Bank, which itself is suffering from siege and daily occupation atrocities as well as roadblocks which hamper the movement of Palestinians from one town to another, Palestinians demonstrated in various parts in support of their compatriots in Gaza. There were demonstrations in Jerusalem and major cities of the West Bank.

In Jordan there were demonstrations in Amman and other major cities as well as Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan.

In Egypt, students demonstrated in Cairo in support of the people in Gaza and called for and end to the siege.

In Qatar there was a demonstration after the Friday prayers which called for an end to the 8-month-long siege.

In Bahrain there were demonstrations and sit-ins on Friday after the Friday prayers and earlier in the week.

The protests went beyond the Arab world to the Muslim world where tens of thousands demonstrated in the Iranian capital Tehran in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza. The demonstrators condemned the silence of the international community which only pays lip-service to the values of democracy and human rights.

In Indonesia the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) on Thursday called for massive demonstrations all over the country to show support for the Palestinian people despite the difficulties that the Indonesian people are going through as a result of natural disasters.

The committee for popular action within the PKS condemned in a statement the Israeli siege on Gaza and called on Arab and Muslim government to work for ending the oppressive siege.

In Europe, more than a hundred non-governmental organisations issued a joint appeal for an end of the oppressive siege on the Gaza Strip.

The organisations condemned the siege in the strongest terms and pointed to the inhumanity and immorality of the siege which contravenes international humanitarian law and international conventions on human rights.

In addition many European capitals and cities witnessed demonstrations and sit-ins against the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip."

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