Thursday, January 24, 2008


Xposed! Norman Podhoretz's boobs

Asia Times

"Surprise, surprise? Not quite. Just as the UN Security Council plus Germany reach agreement on a resolution to impose further sanctions on Iran, the Wall Street Journal, in true Rupert Murdoch style, sees fit to publish sexbomb-em-all Norman Podhoretz's boobs on its equivalent of Page 3. Unfortunately, the attempted titillation by the editor-at-large of Commentary magazine amounts to a not very sexy - indeed an incredibly flabby - case for bombing Iran now rather than imposing yet more boring old sanctions....

Iran won't have a nuclear weapon until 2015, according to the spooks. This, of course, Podhoretz takes in his stride. Tearing the (classified) 2005 NIE to shreds, he reminds us again that the spooks are more likely wrong than right, and the US must bomb Iran NOW before it's too late: "[O]nly by relying on the accuracy of the 2005 NIE would Mr Bush be able in all good conscience to pass on to his successor the decision of whether or when to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities. But that estimate, as he could hardly help knowing from the CIA's not exactly brilliant track record, might easily be too optimistic."....."

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