Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Face to Face with Hezbollah

Meetings with Hezbollah and Lebanese officials together with a trip to southern Lebanon revealed much about the nature of the Party of God. The voyage started in Beirut.

By Dan Lieberman
Special to PalestineChronicle.com

"They speak English, carry I-pods and listen to Santana and Guns and Roses. They don’t approach with anger and don’t behave overbearing. They seem well-educated, mostly from Beirut’s American University, and are alert to world happenings. They impress as being more secular than pious. They are spokespersons for Hezbollah – the Party of God.

Maybe they are a selected group of well-trained talkers for foreigners; a subtle means to convince the unwary that Hezbollah’s followers are just every-day guys and gals. Maybe, but observations and events were inconsistent with the media’s drastic descriptions of the militant Lebanese Shiite movement....."

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